If James Bond…

We’d argue that Daniel Craig is the best Bond ever. Some might say Sean Connery deserves that title. However, times have changed and women don’t favour the hairy guy anymore. Back in the 60’s and 70’s chest hair was deemed very sexy indeed, nowadays it’s not just metro-sexuals that are ridding themselves of excess body hair and for good reason! While a hairy back is the biggest turn off for women, nose and ear hair certainly cools the ardour. So here’s some tips it’s well worth following.
You don’t have to be perfect but don’t sabotage your success with the ladies by ignoring vital grooming habits. Sooner or later your luck will run out and you’ll be dateless depending upon a few friends to stay in touch with the social scene.

Believe me, bad grooming habits can be your one way ticket to Lonely Ville.  These days’ women expect more from men.  With all the beauty rituals, lotions and potions and convenient accessories there is no excuse to smell good and look great.

It seems we concentrate on those appearance flaws like pimples and other skin afflictions but completely ignore the more hygienic issues that are simple to resolve. A small pimple can be camouflaged; a bad hair day can be concealed with a hat. But what’s your excuse for strands of hair growing from your nostrils?  And what about that bush of overgrowth sticking out of your shirt; let’s not forget the ear hair.  You had to have known it was there?  What are you a caveman?

You might think nose and ear hair is no big deal, but these are by no way superficial flaws and you’ll lose a date fast as soon as she figures out you don’t pay enough attention to your hygiene.  There are two things you can invest in to resolve your issues; a nose trimmer and some body wax strips.

A nose trimmer is one of the best accessories for men and definitely a must-have.  It should be apart of every grooming ritual; shower, shave, trim.  Yeah, I left out the other one because it goes without saying.  Believe me, the ones I did mention guys actually forget to accomplish.

Nose hair can be seen by everyone and it annoys women.  You almost want to walk over and yank the nose hair out.

Imagine dining with someone who has nose hair growing from a nostril.  Can you think of what’s going on in your dates mind?  Staring at the hair wondering why in the hell you left the house for all to laugh?  And what about the ear hair that sits like a patch of pansies growing without a cause? Sure, that’s a bit more intricate to see in your ear, but can’t you feel that bush sitting there?  Get a nose trimmer and you wouldn’t have these problems.

Those were the smaller issues with hair playing peek-a-boo with your emotions but what about the werewolf syndrome?  That surely will sabotage your success with the ladies.  No woman wants to feel on a man with an overgrowth of hair on his body.  You’ve got to tame that with wax.  Either you can initiate an appointment for a spa treatment that wax men or purchase economical wax strips.  Most require heating in a microwave and lying onto the hair, then pulling off.  But you need to get this done, quickly.

Believe me, when men have hair overgrowth issues they translate into hygiene issues that women will not have the patience to entertain. A few simple investments like a nose hair trimmer and body wax strips will ensure you remain a socially viable inhabitant of the dating scene. Take the advice and don’t sabotage your success with the ladies. Lonely is not a happy world.

November 8, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.


Want to double the odds when attracting the opposite sex? Well it’s no secret that appearance will play the biggest part in your exploits however men think that’s a big advantage when it could be your sinking ship.
You see, those good looks and animal magnetism will surely attract the opposite sex at first site, but what about up close and personal?  Are you really that date worthy?
Your appearance affects how you think, feel and act in certain situations, right? The same holds true when attracting the opposite sex. It’s not the obvious flaws that will hold you back, it’s the lack of grooming that kills images and seals the ill-fated attempt at catching the golden goose.
From across a room a woman will garner a second look; a head-turning second glance that puts the ball in your court.  A little confidence and a few steps closer you are sure to close the deal, right?
All goes right but for one little snafu that many men never pay enough attention to; grooming flaws that affect your appearance.  A winning smile and a splash of cologne will not win anyone’s affections.
And if you didn’t think those long nose hairs simply could not affect a date, you were so wrong!
One of the first nuances of attracting the opposite sex is that women notice appearance and grooming habits.  It’s a major deciding factor when choosing whom to date.
Would you want to stare at a hair while sitting across from your date?  A hair or a few that play peek-a-boo and you simply cannot take your eyes away from your date’s nose?  That hair or two tells a story about your date’s grooming habits and whether you’ll be granted the next date.
A woman will read into what that creeping single nose hair might mean. If you pay such little attention to important grooming habits what else could you be forgetting and how does that translate into your relationships?
Are you neglectful when it comes to your interactions? Are you lazy or just insensitive? This is why appearance means so much.
Even the “grungy” look cannot suffice without a quick snip of that nose and ear hair.  I mean gentlemen, there are hairs that we can live with and then those that render an infectious stare until we just give up!
You need a good dose of the hard facts! For those that cannot get that one date and keep batting a zero no matter what outfit you wear or expensive cologne you have on – take a long hard look in the mirror and see what we see.  The mirror will not lie.

Are there any unruly hairs that stick up or stick out?  Those are the brutal ones that rub a woman the wrong way.
How about the unfortunate uni-brow? And one last note; those Elvis side burns are not making a real comeback; it was only a joke!
So there you go some food for thought.  If you’re trying to attract the opposite sex and it’s been a while since you’ve got any hits, just mostly misses, have a conversation with the inner you and rationalize your grooming habits and future potential.

And if you’re thinking that you are just perfect and those little nose hairs add personality to your psyche, then you’re on a lonely road to nowhere and it’s going to take more than a little while to attract the opposite sex.

October 25, 2008. Tags: , , , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.